Visuali Editor Overview

Welcome to the Visuali Editor, an advanced AI-powered image editor that empowers you to create, expand, and modify images directly from your browser on an interactive canvas. Explore the sections below or watch our video tutorial to familiarize yourself with the main features and start using the editor today.


The Generate panel allows you to create new images effortlessly. These images can be seamlessly integrated into the editor, providing a convenient space for image generation.

  1. Click the generate button. Generate Button
  2. Enter your prompt and choose the number of images to generate. Then, press Visualise. Visualise Prompt
  3. Add the generated image to the canvas. Add to Canvas

Once an image is on the canvas, it can be expanded or edited using the fill function, combined with other images, drawn on, and much more.

Canvas Example


The Edit panel allows you to fill in the empty spaces in your image, enabling you to expand and enhance your images or refine details. It works by filling in any empty spaces visible in the camera view.

  1. Click the edit button to begin expanding and editing your images. Edit Button
  2. Select the tool button. Select Tool
  3. Drag the camera view to the right. The empty space in the camera view is what will be filled. Experiment with the amount - more or less gives different results. Drag Camera View
  4. Enter a prompt to guide the AI on what to fill in the empty space with and select the number of images. For this example, we will use the same prompt as the one to generate the images.
  5. Press Visualise and wait for the images to generate.
  6. Click on the image and add it to the canvas. This will place the image wherever the camera view is, so ensure it is positioned correctly. Add to Canvas


Evolve lets you take whatever is in the camera view and send it through the AI again, evolving your image further and adding more details. An example that shows the power of Evolve is to draw a simple drawing on the image and then turn it into a proper image through Evolve.

  1. Press the draw button and select your colour. Draw Button
  2. Draw your shape on the image.
  3. Press the Evolve button.
  4. Write a prompt to guide the AI and select the amount of images.
  5. Make sure everything is inside the camera view and press Visualise. Visualise Evolve
  6. Since the drawing is only a small part of the image, we can use the paint from image function to add only that part of the image back to our original image. Paint from Image
  7. Click on the image and select paint from.
  8. Click and drag on your original image to paint on the same area from the selected image. Experiment with the settings to get the best results. Evolve Example

If you’re not happy with the results, disable or delete the corresponding layer.

Upload Image

Click the upload image button to import your own image into the editor. Once uploaded, you can add it to the canvas and use it like any other image. Ensure your image complies with our terms and conditions.

Save Project

Remember to save your project to revisit it later. Simply press the save button located at the bottom of the screen. Save Project

Download Your Image

Download your high-resolution image from the canvas by clicking the download button at the bottom of the screen. This action converts the canvas image into a single file. Note that there may be artifacts if the image is not square-shaped on the canvas. Download Image